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Wedding Day Survival Guide: Tips for Managing Stress and Staying Present

Wedding Day Survival Guide Tips for Managing Stress and Staying Present

Working in weddings I often get asked what it's like working with my couples and how many 'Bridezillas' have I encountered. Honestly, I've witnessed some stress in the air whilst setting up at a venue, but to use the term Bridezilla isn't very helpful and I think it's a stereotype we need to ditch. Your wedding is a day filled with love, laughter, and maybe just a touch of chaos, and I think if we (and our wedding party) were a little more prepared for the intense emotions about to come, we would stop labelling people like they're the problem . So hopefully this supports you with just a bit of prep, and why not share it with key people in your wedding party. I always tell my couples to delegate and I'd even go as far as to say you should delegate the job of reminding you to do these things on the day of your wedding as a job for one of your wedding party. That way you've got someone who's got your back with some tried-and-true tips to help you breeze through the day with grace and joy.

Wedding at Wylam Brewery Newcastle
Photo by Sally T Photography

Start Your Day Right

The morning of your wedding can set the tone for the entire day. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to relax and prepare. Consider starting your day with a bit of meditation, yoga, or simply some deep breathing exercises. This will help you center yourself and approach the day with a calm and clear mind. If meditation isn't your sort of thing, then opt for something you do in your every day life that brings you calm.

Wedding at The Parlour At Blagdon Northumberland
Photo by Never Ending Stories Photography

Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

You might be tempted to take on every little task yourself, but trust me, you don’t have to. Delegate responsibilities to trusted friends, family members, or your wedding planner. Whether it’s confirming supplier deliveries, setting up decorations, or managing children/pets, having a team of helpers will take a huge weight off your shoulders.

Wedding at Lumley Castle
Photo by Hayley Crone Photo

Embrace Imperfection

Repeat after me: Perfection is overrated. Things might not go exactly according to plan, and that’s okay! Embrace the imperfections and unexpected surprises as part of your unique wedding story and tell yourself now that there will likely be some things that don't go 100% according to plan. Remember, it’s the love you’re celebrating, not the flawless execution of every detail.

Wedding at Bradbury Glade
Photo by Jack Cook Photography

Take Moments to Pause

Amidst the whirlwind of the day, make sure to carve out moments to pause and take it all in. Whether it’s stealing away for a quiet moment with your partner, savoring a bite of your delicious wedding cake, or simply soaking in the joyous energy of your guests, these little moments of presence will be some of the most cherished memories of your day. Your day can go by so fast leaving you with little opportunity to do the things that will ensure the memories of your day are planted into your long term memory. Like I said in the introduction, I'd even have it as someone's job to remind you throughout the day to take moments that will help you take everything in.

Wedding at The Baltic Gateshead
Photo by Jason Friend Photography

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is all about being fully present in the moment, and what better day to practice than your wedding day? Take a few moments throughout the day to check in with yourself. Notice the sights, sounds, and sensations around you. Take a deep breath and let yourself fully experience the magic of the moment.

Wedding at The Parlour At Blagdon Northumberland
Photo by Shutter Go Click Photography

Have a Backup Plan

No matter how meticulously you’ve planned, there’s always the possibility of something going awry. That’s why it’s important to have a backup plan in place for key aspects of your wedding, whether it’s a sudden downpour during an outdoor ceremony or a supplier running late. Knowing you have a plan B (and maybe even a plan C) will give you peace of mind and keep stress at bay.

Wedding at Bradbury Glade
Photo by Nicola Rothwell Photography

Remember What It’s All About

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the day, don’t lose sight of what truly matters - your love for each other. Take a moment to look into each other’s eyes, hold hands, and remind yourselves why you’re here. No matter what else happens, you’re marrying the love of your life, and that’s the most important thing of all.

Wedding at Beamish Glamping
Photo by Never Ending Stories Photography

And there you have it, my top tips for managing stress and staying present on your wedding day! Remember, it’s a day to celebrate love, so take a deep breath, soak it all in, and enjoy every moment. Congratulations, and here’s to a lifetime of happiness together!

Another way to remove stress from your day, hire me to dress your venue with beautiful decor!

View my range on my website and get in touch to check availability for your date

Photographers Featured:

Photo 1: Sally T Photography -

Photo 2 & 8: Never Ending Stories Photography -

Photo 3: Hayley Crone Photo -

Photo 4: Jack Cook Photography -

Photo 5: Jason Friend Photography -

Photo 6: Shutter Go Click Photography -

Photo 7: Nicola Rothwell Photography -


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